Tibetan Breath Yoga

Dhagpo Möhra

DISCOVERY Tibet has its very own yoga tradition. This is Tibetan yoga, which is little known in Europe until now. In Tibetanbreath yoga, Shey Tsum Yoga, the breath is consciously directed through the body and through its various organs. This cleansesthe inner energy channels. Through conscious deep breathing, one finds more calmness at mind and […]

Meditation and Movement – Kum Nye

Dhagpo Möhra

DISCOVERY A combination of mindful body exercises and silent meditation allows one to come deeper into contact with oneself, thus initiating the innerhealing processes.The gentle Kum Nye exercises do not require any prior knowledge. The exercises are easy to follow, yet profound. In addition, explanations of meditation on the breath are given and healing sounds […]

Sheng Zhen Healing-Qi Gong, Part 1 and Part 2

Dhagpo Möhra

DISCOVERY Healing Qi ong is a Qi Gong form, practised sitting on a chair, therefore it is also suitable for older people. Healing Qi Gong strengthens lungs and relaxes the spine and shoulders. All forms of Sheng Zhen meditation are sequences of flowing movements.These movements make the body flexible, stretch and massage from within. Furthermore […]

The garden is calling

Dhagpo Möhra

DISCOVERY The spring sun makes daffodils and tulips blossom. The soil in the planting beds is warming up and is now ready to receive seeds and young plants. With the planting plan in our pocket, we put our planning into action and try to create conducive plant communities.The annual tea and aromatic herbs as well […]