Schedrub Tschöpel Ling


Schedrub Tschöpel Ling

Gardening – Everything is so green

Dharmazentrum Möhra

DISCOVERY The first "sets" of lettuce & co are to be harvested and we can plant vegetables that will ripen in late summer. The tomatoes need to be regularly thinned out and tied up.This time we want to pay special attention to measures that help to save water.Teacher:Edith Steinbach

Gardening – Summer is the season of harvest

Dharmazentrum Möhra

DISCOVERY As summer comes to an end, you can make the most beautiful flower bouquets! A few tricks and tips on floristry will be taught. We enjoy the colourfulness of the garden and harvest tea and spice herbs for drying and exchange ideas on how to use them. Some herbs already have seeds ready for […]

Meditation and Movement – Kum Nye – Advanced course

Dharmazentrum Möhra

DISCOVERY A combination of mindful body exercises and silent meditation allows to come deeper into contact with oneself, thus to initiate the inner healing processes. The gentle Kum Nye exercises do not require any prior knowledge. The exercises are easy to follow, yet profound. In addition, explanations of meditation on the breath are given and […]

Gardening – Tidy up and rest – to organise and let it be

Dharmazentrum Möhra

DISCOVERY The garden year is drawing to an end and the first frosts are setting the tone. Which vegetables can still grow with plant fleece, which are winter-hardy? Which greenery can we leave directly on the beds, which can go on the compost, which carries fungal spores and is better disposed of?After clearing the beds […]

Sheng Zhen Healing-Qi Gong, Part 1 and 2 – Advanced course

Dharmazentrum Möhra

DISCOVERY Healing Qi Gong is a powerful form, originally developed to cure chronic diseases. It strengthens and harmonises all glands and organs. It makes the body smooth and helps the mind to achieve inner peace and equanimity.Sheng Zhen Healing Qi Gong consists of three parts, each with ten exercises, all practised while sitting on a […]