Schedrub Tschöpel Ling


Schedrub Tschöpel Ling

Info & Contact

Dhagpo Möhra

Hofmannshöhe 1, D–36433 Bad Salzungen OT Möhra

You can reach us personally by phone from Monday to Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m.:: +49 (0) 36 95 85 07 52

You are welcome to contact us by email: info@dhagpo-moehra.org

Useful Information


Social Media

For your journey



The centre is financed by donations, sponsoring members and the income from the seminars given. As all staff at the centre works on a voluntary basis, therefore there are no personnel costs. Hence, all funds go 100% into the maintenance and expansion of the centre.

Financial support for the center in the form of a donation is tax deductible, as the Dharma Center is recognized by the tax office for promoting charitable and non-profit purposes.
Die Spendenbescheinigungen versenden wir jeweils am Anfang des Folgejahres.

Bank account for donations
Owner: Buddhistische Religionsgemeinschaft (KKPL)
Bank account: 19 38 95
BLZ: 840 550 50 (Wartburg Sparkasse)
IBAN: DE 34 8405 5050 0000 1938 95

Support group
You can also support the work of the center with a supporting membership.
This membership fee can also be tax-deductible as a donation. A sponsor membership form can be sent to you on request.

Dhagpo Möhra Sponsorship Flyer 2022 De Eng Cover

Sponsorship Form PDF

Social Media

For your journey

By train:
Abholdienst von Dhagpo Möhra auf Anfrage vom Bahnhof Ettenhausen a.d. Suhl: € 7,-.

Plan your route

Accommodation and prices per Day

The prices for accommodation and full board are currently being revised.

Bank account for course fee and accommodation:

Buddhistische Religionsgemeinschaft KKPL
IBAN: DE83 8405 5050 0000 2096 00

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