Dear friends,

We are delighted that Thaye Dorje, His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa will be coming to us again this year!
Preparations for the event have now begun, and of course many helping hands are needed to make it possible.

From now on, volunteers are already welcome to join the preparations in the centre, and later in the event hall as well.

Information for volunteers

Please read through the attached information sheet for volunteers, where you will find all the information you need about joining the activity.

Download PDF


It would be great if many of you would decide to support and participate.

Please complete the registration form provided for this purpose.
Only after registration will we have an overview of all the information and be able to organise your participation in the best possible way.

Registration form


For more questions regarding support and volunteering please contact us:

We are looking forward to the joyful preparations together and, of course, to a wonderful event.

The ticket sale will be opened in the next days.
For the exact date and further details regarding programme please follow our newsletters or visit our website.

from Dhagpo Möhra