Schedrub Tschöpel Ling


Schedrub Tschöpel Ling

Bodhicharyavatara – Manjushri-Meditation

Dhagpo Möhra

STUDYThe classical Indian teaching poem Bodhicharyavatara - the 'Nectar of Manjushri's Speech' as one of its commentators calls it-is one of the most important texts of Mahayana Buddhism and, in particular, the centrepiece of the 'profound view tradition'. In it, its author Shantideva describes the entire Buddhist path. This path begins with the bringing forth […]

The history of the Karma Kagyu Lineage

Dhagpo Möhra

INSTITUTE Based on the historical Buddha Shakyamuni, the teachings of the Karma Kagyu tradition have been transmitted and practised for more than 2500 years, first in India, later in Tibet. And for around 50 years in the Western world also. These teachings include all the different levels of Buddhist practice. We will look at the […]

Namshe Yeshe – continuation of last years teaching

Dhagpo Möhra

INSTITUTE Dongsung Shabdrung Rinpoche will teach in Dhagpo Möhra from 11-14 April 2024.Rinpoche will continue the text "Namshe-Yeshe" by the III Karmapa Rangjung Dorje. In this short, profound text, Karmapa explains the functioning of the ordinary mind (tib. "Namshe") and the awakened mind "(tib. "Yeshe"). The text provides a deeper understanding of how awakened qualities […]

Introduction to events of the mind

Dhagpo Möhra

INSTITUTE The Abhidharma presents the workings of the human mind from the Buddhist point of view. There are various methods of training the mind, but all require a fundamental understanding of how it works. Based on the Abhidharma of the Great Vehicle and the Abhidharma of the Fundamental Vehicle, Khenpo Mriti introduces the events of […]