The classical Indian teaching poem Bodhicharyavatara – the ‘Nectar of Manjushri’s Speech’ as one of its commentators calls it-is one of the most important texts of Mahayana Buddhism and, in particular, the centrepiece of the ‘profound view tradition’. In it, its author Shantideva describes the entire Buddhist path. This path begins with the bringing forth of the enlightenment mind (Bodhicitta) and leads to perfect awakening. The verses are of great poetic power, very clear and descriptive, but always connect us to the essence of the Bodhisattva path. They teach us to face problems and difficulties with courage, inner peace and qualities such as love, compassion, generosity and patience.
“As we grow a sense of peace and joy within ourselves, our ability to contribute to the peace and joy of others will naturally increase.” (Dalai Lama)
We will begin each teaching with a guided Manjushri meditation according to the Karma-Kagyu tradition.
Lama Lodrö