Schedrub Tschöpel Ling


Schedrub Tschöpel Ling

Making peace – with oneself and others, meditation of mindfulness and compassion

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION A practice weekend with personal instructions Peace of mind or calm abiding is called Shamata in Sanskrit and Shine in Tibetan - both contain the little word "peace". This means that in meditation we learn to make peace with all experiences, whether they are internal or external. This includes anything that we find difficult […]

4 Nyung Nehs – Tseyang Rinpoche

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION Including Initiation on thousand armed Chenresig- 29th of April Nyung-Neh is a powerful purification method that engages actions of the body, speech, and mind. Together we will perform the meditation on the Thousand- Armed Chenrezig, the Bodhisattva of Compassion and recite his mantra OM MANI PADME HUM. Tulku Tseyang Rinpoche is the 4th reincarnation […]

Samantabhadra’s Aspiration Prayers, continuation of the course in May 2023

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION Explanations - common practice - exchange The aspiration prayers of Samantabhadra - also called Ways of Aspiring to the Accomplished Work of the Noble Ones - are said to cover all aspects of bodhisattva practice. They are an excerpt from the extensive Avatamsaka Sutra. The Gyalwa Karmapa referred to these aspiration prayers, as well […]

Chenrezik, the Practice Step by Step

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION With the Buddha aspect of Chenrezig, source of universal compassion and knowledge of ultimate reality, we connect with the nature of our mind, the Buddha nature. The power of compassion and the knowledge of things purify the veils of afflictive emotions and the mental confusion that underlies them. To rest in the qualities of […]

The Chenrezig Cycle

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION In Dhagpo Möhra there is now the opportunity to participate in this progressive curriculum of study and meditation from afar. All contents are transmitted live from Dhagpo Kagyü Ling (Dordogne, France) and can be followed here together.The program takes place within the framework of joint practice and personal exchange with the Dhagpo Möhra Team.This […]

Amitabha – the Buddha of infinite light

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION The practice of Buddha Amitabha according to the tradition of the treasure finder Mingyur Dorje (17th century) comprises the complete path of Buddhist meditation and includes the practice of calm abiding (tib. Shine), the developmental stage (tib. Kyerim) of visualising oneself as a deity in the midst of the Pure Land of Buddha Amitabha, […]

Approaching the practice of the Green Tara – cancelled

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION Unfortunately we had to cancel the course for this year. Called the Liberator, Tara is the personification, in a feminine aspect, of the spontaneous activity of the Buddhas. Her meditation protects against fear, removes obstacles for oneself and others, and leads to enlightenment. Lama Teundroup will explain this practice and alsolead practice sessions. Approche […]

The four Immeasurable Qualities

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION Love, compassion, joy and impartiality are not only the basic motivation with which we practise the Dharma. Developing these qualities is also an essential part of our path. And finally, these qualities also describe the fruit that the Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas have realised. They are called immeasurable qualities because they can be deepened […]