The four Immeasurable Qualities
Dhagpo MöhraMEDITATION Love, compassion, joy and impartiality are not only the basic motivation with which we practise the Dharma. Developing these qualities is also an essential part of our path. And […]
MEDITATION Love, compassion, joy and impartiality are not only the basic motivation with which we practise the Dharma. Developing these qualities is also an essential part of our path. And […]
INSTITUTE The Abhidharma presents the workings of the human mind from the Buddhist point of view. There are various methods of training the mind, but all require a fundamental understanding […]
The center is closed. Sunday 28th July to Thursday 1st August.
CAMP More information follows soon.Teacher:Lama Yeshe Sangmo and Team
Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpochein Dhagpo Möhra 2024We are honoured to announce that Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche - 7 years after his last visit in 2017 - will come to Europe again. During […]
The center is closed. Wednesday 18th to Sunday 29th September inclusive.
DISCOVERY A combination of mindful body exercises and silent meditation allows to come deeper into contact with oneself, thus to initiate the inner healing processes. The gentle Kum Nye exercises […]
DISCOVERY The garden year is drawing to an end and the first frosts are setting the tone. Which vegetables can still grow with plant fleece, which are winter-hardy? Which greenery […]