We are honoured to announce that Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche – 7 years after his last visit in 2017 – will come to Europe again. During his tour, His Eminence will visit the centre of Dhagpo Möhra between the 13th and 15th of September.
Unfortunately we cannot accept any more registrations for this course.
If you want to take part at the empowerment on sunday please contact us via E-Mail.
We are honoured to announce that Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche – 7 years after his last visit in 2017 – will come to Europe again. During his tour, His Eminence will visit the centre of Dhagpo Möhra between the 13th and 15th of September.
We are honoured to announce that Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche – 7 years after his last visit in 2017 – will come to Europe again. During his tour, His Eminence will visit the centre of Dhagpo Möhra between the 13th and 15th of September.
More than 2500 years ago, one week after his Awakening, the Buddha gave his first teaching to a group of five ascetics in the Deer Park of Varanasi, in Northern India. This first teaching – the first turning of the wheel of Dharma in the world – became known as “The Four Noble Truths” or, more accurately, “The Four Truths of the Noble Ones”:
The Truth of Suffering, the Truth of the Origin of Suffering, the Truth of Cessation and the Truth of the Path.
In brief, the first truth is a description of samsara and the different aspects of suffering inherent to a conditioned existence. The second truth examines the causes of our conditioning, that is, karma and the obscuring afflictions. The third truth describes the complete liberation from suffering. The fourth one presents the path and the methods that lead to this complete liberation.
These profound topics are not only the first teachings given by the Buddha, but they are entrance doors to understand and to follow the Buddha’s own process of realisation. As he himself said:
« Thus, through the deep contemplation,
the careful examination of these dharmas
that were not taught before,
called “suffering”, “origin of suffering”, “cessation of suffering”
and “path leading to the cessation of suffering”,
the true knowing, the eye, the awareness,
the intelligence, the insight, the wisdom, the clarity have arisen in me »
The 4th Jamgon Kongtrul Mingyur Drakpa Senge was born on 17th December, 1995 in Kathmandu, Nepal. The day before he was born, the late Chogye Trichen Rinpoche said in front of many Lamas and Tulkus: “Like prophesied … today Jamgon Rinpoche arrived.”
In 1996, the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Thaye Dorje, arrived in Bodhgaya, and met the young Jamgon Rinpoche for the first time. Yangsi Rinpoche despite his young age was able to spontaneously pick up some rice and toss it into the air as a mandala offering, and straight away he exclaimed: “This is the Jamgon Yangsi (Reincarnation) indeed!” He then issued a recognition letter and gave him a name Karma Migyur Drakpa Senge Trinley Kunkhyab Palzangpo.
In the year 2000, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche, Head of the Nyingmapa school, again reconfirmed the 4th Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche as the incarnation of the Great Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Thaye.
From the age of 14, Rinpoche stayed in buddhist institute where he studied the great texts and buddhist philosophy.
In 2016, in the history of Jamgon Kongtrul Lineage, it was the first time that the red crown was offered to the 4th Jamgon Kongtrul Mingyur Drakpa Senge by the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Trinlay Thaye Dorje, symbolised as a holder of the Dharma transmission of the Karma Kagyu lineage.
On 31st October, 2018 Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche entered for 3 years and 6 months retreat in Pharping, Nepal, which he completed on 4th May, 2022. During this period he received many Vajrayana Empowerments from mainly Karma Kagyu lineage and other Practices. Furthermore, he has received training and transmission, oral instruction on Mahamudra.
For more information about Rinpoche’s activity: jamgon-kongtrul.org
For more information regarding this programme: dhagpo-kundreul.org
More information regarding this programme and the registration will be published to: dhagpo.org
For more information regarding this programme: bodhipath-renchen-ulm.de