Schedrub Tschöpel Ling


Schedrub Tschöpel Ling

Namshe Yeshe – continuation of last years teaching

Dhagpo Möhra

INSTITUTE Dongsung Shabdrung Rinpoche will teach in Dhagpo Möhra from 11-14 April 2024.Rinpoche will continue the text "Namshe-Yeshe" by the III Karmapa Rangjung Dorje. In this short, profound text, Karmapa explains the functioning of the ordinary mind (tib. "Namshe") and the awakened mind "(tib. "Yeshe"). The text provides a deeper understanding of how awakened qualities […]

Samantabhadra’s Aspiration Prayers, continuation of the course in May 2023

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION Explanations - common practice - exchange The aspiration prayers of Samantabhadra - also called Ways of Aspiring to the Accomplished Work of the Noble Ones - are said to cover all aspects of bodhisattva practice. They are an excerpt from the extensive Avatamsaka Sutra. The Gyalwa Karmapa referred to these aspiration prayers, as well […]

Sheng Zhen Healing-Qi Gong, Part 1 and Part 2

Dhagpo Möhra

DISCOVERY Healing Qi ong is a Qi Gong form, practised sitting on a chair, therefore it is also suitable for older people. Healing Qi Gong strengthens lungs and relaxes the spine and shoulders. All forms of Sheng Zhen meditation are sequences of flowing movements.These movements make the body flexible, stretch and massage from within. Furthermore […]

Chenrezik, the Practice Step by Step

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION With the Buddha aspect of Chenrezig, source of universal compassion and knowledge of ultimate reality, we connect with the nature of our mind, the Buddha nature. The power of compassion and the knowledge of things purify the veils of afflictive emotions and the mental confusion that underlies them. To rest in the qualities of […]

The Chenrezig Cycle

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION In Dhagpo Möhra there is now the opportunity to participate in this progressive curriculum of study and meditation from afar. All contents are transmitted live from Dhagpo Kagyü Ling (Dordogne, France) and can be followed here together.The program takes place within the framework of joint practice and personal exchange with the Dhagpo Möhra Team.This […]

The garden is calling

Dhagpo Möhra

DISCOVERY The spring sun makes daffodils and tulips blossom. The soil in the planting beds is warming up and is now ready to receive seeds and young plants. With the planting plan in our pocket, we put our planning into action and try to create conducive plant communities.The annual tea and aromatic herbs as well […]

Family Weekend for Parents and Children (up to 13 years)

Dhagpo Möhra

CAMP Together with Lama Yeshe Sangmo, the children will practise meditation and mindfulness, chant mantras together and learn about the life of the Buddha from stories. In addition, there will be a variety of activities for the children. For the adults, Lama Sherab Palmo will give teachings, focusing on the topic of "meditation". There will […]

Amitabha – the Buddha of infinite light

Dhagpo Möhra

MEDITATION The practice of Buddha Amitabha according to the tradition of the treasure finder Mingyur Dorje (17th century) comprises the complete path of Buddhist meditation and includes the practice of calm abiding (tib. Shine), the developmental stage (tib. Kyerim) of visualising oneself as a deity in the midst of the Pure Land of Buddha Amitabha, […]